How often are we quoting others? A great platform for inspiration, intellectual debate. But do we really feel what they're saying?
We do it so often in fact we think it's us speaking, that these are our ideas, our experiences and we can neglect or avoid actually thinking (let alone feeling) for ourselves.
This blog is about moving beyond what we've been taught or told, abandoning "shoulds" and "should nots" and all fear of stepping outside what is considered normal or sane. Letting go of books, knowledge, even memory. To be present with ourselves, our experience and individual creativity of communication. To honor and accept where we are right now. As if we get to be kids again before self-consciousness comes into play.
Whether we respond to one another or not, whether one's view resonates with us or not, this is our practice to find out what IS resonating with us, to follow it, and continually expand within and beyond it. Never to settle or conclude, to explore, speak, write, and share our truth. Recognizing simultaneously that while what we share right now may be resonating, that doesn't mean tomorrow will be the same.
Moving beyond even expectation of consistency.
Remembering that none of this is really "us" anyway...
So what do we share?
Without rules, regard to beginning, middle and end, how shall we begin?